Saturday, September 7, 2013

Villa Madeline

St. John Villa Madeline

Villa Madeline, in Coral Bay on St. John, has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, pool, and jacuzzi. Beautiful craftsmanship throughout. Villa Madeline overlooks Coral Bay harbor and is close to the excellent family restaurants, shops, bars, and activities in Coral Bay. A short drive to the national park north shore beaches. Villa Madeline is available for your St. John vacation through St. John villas.

Click on this link for the list of vacation properties - - St. John vacation villas
Go to Villa Madeline - - Villa Madeline

Villa Madeline, with two bedrooms, two baths, pool, jacuzzi, and air conditioning, is built with comfort and luxury in mind. Perfect for one or two couples it offers quiet without solitude, and intimacy without losing convenience. Villa Madeline Perched on a hillside in Estate Eden, Villa Madeline is located between the delightfully uncrowded beaches of East End and central Coral Bay with its shops, bars and dining spots. The renowned Skinny Legs Bar and shops and the Cocolobo Plaza are only minutes away, offering such conveniences as internet services, groceries and video rentals. Or explore a bit - - take a left at the Coral Bay Triangle and a 15 minute drive brings you to Salt Pond Bay or Lameshur Bay beaches. Go straight at the Triangle and the same 15 minutes drive gives you the choice of St John's famous North Shore Beaches -- Francis, Maho, Cinnamon, Trunk, Hawksnest, Caneel, etc. Villa Madeline Upon entering Villa Madeline, you are located on the upper level in a spacious, cool living area wrapped by a large shady, social deck. It's your choice whether to use the central AC, or to simply open wide the glass doors to enjoy the gentle Caribbean breezes. Villa Madeline The gourmet kitchen is off the Great Room. The kitchen is fitted out with top-of-the-line appliances and complete cooking and dining accessories answering all the needs of the consummate cook without overwhelming the visitor who prefers to snack in and dine out. There's even a clothes washer and dryer, neatly tucked into the half bath just off the living area. Villa Madeline

To view the complete list of over 150 exceptional St. John vacation villas, houses, condos, and cottages, click on this link - -

St. John Villa Rental


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